Thursday, December 29, 2005

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The Red Cross

I have a comment on the Red Cross.... My wife and I both gave to the Red Cross for the two recent disasters and were happy to be able to do so. Now I've seen and read about some contract workers the Red Cross hired to man one of its call centers. It seems there was an effort by 50 or so of these cotract workers to sent relife funds to their friends and relatives.

There is not a punishment just enough for these people who would steal from those in need. They should be sent to prison for a number of years - say five or more and upon release serve community service in one of the disaster areas cleaning up.

I hope this will not adversly effectdonations to the Red Cross as they perform a great service to hose in need.

This is how I feel.

Sue is home sick with the flu.. it must be really bad because she never misses work. I'm doing what I can to care for her. it's time to make her some more hot tea with honey and lemon. Photos for today will have to wait a while longer. It's almost time for another exchange too.


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