Wednesday, May 31, 2006

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American Heroes

American Heroes

Photographed - 5/06
John - R Richard - L

I had an opportunity to photograph two very nice gentlemen at a local Memorial Day service this past Monday. John, the local commander of the American Legion and Richard who was there representing the VFW. These men were there to remember the men and women who were friends and comrades in arms that paid the ultimate price for their country.

These are the kind of men we should be proud of. They are true American heroes to me. They stand head and shoulders over any sports, TV, movie or music star. These men risked their lives and went into harms way so that we may live as free Americans today America is proud to have you as citizens and I am proud to have met you both

Humbly and rightfully so, John reminded me that the real heros are and I quote " Hero's today are those young American's taking the shots and blasts for us overseas so we don't have to endure it here at home."

Thank you, John and Richard

Best Regards,

Sunday, May 28, 2006

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Photographed 5/06

Memorial Day - A time to remember those who paid the ultimate price that we may live free and enjoy life as we do. We may not agree on every fight our country takes on but, men and women of our Armed Services were lost defending our way of life. Everyone, please stop for a moment to think about their sacrifice and what it really means to each and every one of us.

May each who has fallen rest in eternal peace.

It makes me a little sad that retailers have turned such a solemn occasion into just another excuse to have a sale there by downplaying the reverence that should accompany this day.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

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Photographed 5/06

Faith, some people have it - some people don't - others have it in varying degrees. Still others in different things. Where is your faith placed? In a God, in your self, perhaps in mankind itself or nature.

I guess I have a dual faith. A faith in God although it may be beginning to wavier a bit and a faith in myself. I don't know if there is a simple correct path to follow. I wish there was a clear answer to this question.

Health wise, I'm still slowly improving. My hand seems to be healing ever so slowly although it remains somewhat painful. My dialysis "cleaning" numbers have gotten better over the last few reports. I no longer am using a walker at all and at times walking (ever so carefully) without a cane in the house. The pain in my hip and knee are gone. I just have to work on improving my strength and stamina now.

I think we'll try to grill out this weekend. I was thinking about bar-b-q baby back ribs and roasted sweet corn in the husk, with watermelon for dessert. It's been a while since we've done ribs, they should be good.

Sue returned home safely late last night. Her flight was delayed an hour and a half due to weather. She'll be home until the middle of June, then it's a couple more trips for her. It's so nice to have her home again.

Photographed 5/06

This is the one lily I planted from an almost dead plant five years ago. The photo shows about 2/3 of the plant. It seems to come bigger every year. It's close enough to the house that the deer don't bother it. I wish it were so with some of our other plants. Sue planted a beautiful water hyacinth in our little puddle one evening. The deer really enjoyed it. There was nothing left the next morning.

Regards to all.


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The Climb

Mt Yonah

Photographed 5/06

Life can be like a struggle to climb to the summit of a mountain. As you get closer to your goal the climb becomes steeper and more difficult. This is how I feel every day now. There are lots of people on my team helping me but, I'm not sure I've got the heart to make that climb. I will not give up but, not so sure I'll make it'

I'm still working on reading your blogs and making some progress in that direction. I read six this morning and it's just 5 AM here. Yeah, I'm having a little trouble sleeping - I'm missing Sue. I just e-mailed her to tell her that I & Miss Kitty love her and miss her.
Some Lilies From Our Front Yard

Photographed 5/06

The lilies are for Sue. Of course. I put one half dead plant under our front window five years ago and it's come back stronger every year since. This year it's got more than 70 blooms on it! I'll have to get a full photo of it for you soon. Until then be well and keep climbing the tops not far away.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

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Old Values


Photographed 5/06

Sometimes older values and things are most beautiful. As with this 1930's Ford. I was always taught growing up to work hard, always do your best and be polite to all. I believe if everyone did these simple things the world would be better off. I can't get over how rude and inconsiderate people can be while driving. Hey, wake up, there's glass in your car. It's called windows and we can can see you! OK, enough of that!

I am making slow improvements with both my hand and spirit. We had a nice weekend. Sue did some yard work and I paid the bills. We went for a ride through the mountains and took a picnic lunch with us. We also looked at small RV with the thought it would allow me to travel on longer trips more comfortably but, their cost was quite a bit more than I wanted to spend on something we might not get the use out of.

Sue's away again. She is in Minnesota tonight and Ohio tomorrow and then home.
She left early this morning and I miss her not being home at dinner.

I'm going to try to get up early Monday morning before dialysis to photograph the small Memorial Day service they have here.

Other than that, I'm a little tired - so long for now.

Friday, May 19, 2006

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Chipping Sparrow - Cumming 8x8

Karen, as you can see I did get carried away. Many more photos than I originally planned on but, after reading the rules a second time, I added/deleted some. Probably will not hear from them anyway but worth a try.

Fall - Vogel State Park 6x8

Pecan Grove - Cumming 5x7

Confederate Cemetery I - Resaca 8x10

Mill Bridge I - Watson Mill State Park 8x10

Cherry in Morning Mist - Buford Dam 8x10

Confederate Cemetery II - Resaca 6x8

Fall - Vogel State Park 6x8

Mill Bridge II - Watson Mill State Park 5x7

Lily - Cumming 8x10

Basket Maker - Gwinnett History Days 8x10 Sepia

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Learn to See

Blue Iris

Photographed 5/06

Today wasn't the best day I've had in a while. I had two unexplained episodes of very low blood sugar. These are very stressful on the body and leave you feeling very washed out.

Then on the way to see the surgeon about my hand, I became so sick I had to turn around and come home. Overall not such a good day. Other than that I am improving. I'm back to using just a cane to walk and some limited driving too. Maybe two more weeks and I'll be back to where I was before this last setback.

Sue is well. She's got some more meetings in Minneapolis next week and the new company wants her to make a presentation in Cleveland next week too. So she is staying very busy right now.

Last Saturday we went for a ride in the North Georgia mountains. That's where this photo was made. It was a single blue iris in front of a large stone building at Neel Gap along the Appalachian Trail. I used to hike this section quite often. The building is rather like a large lodge. It was built by the CCC in the early 1930's and is quite charming' It serves as a hikers rest point along the trail with bathrooms,showers and a small store for supplies.

It just goes to shown you beauty can be found everywhere, you just have to strive to find it.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

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It's been 10 days since my last post and I'm still feeling very lethargic. I just can't seem to shake this feeling I have been in. I'm having trouble doing anything meaningful. Not that writing in this blog is any great work. I've forced myself to sit down and write something to break out of this mode and hopefully recover.

Please accept my apology, my friends for not visiting your blogs in the past week or so. I will try to do better in the coming weeks, I have been worthless as of late.

Transplantation for me appears still to be about two years away. I'm beginning to question if I'll make the distance.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

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Chipping Sparrow

Photographed 5/06

Well, I'm trying to break out of a depression. I just haven't felt like doing much lately. Today it's sunny and I'm not feeling sick, I think the flu is finally done with me.

Sue decorated the table with very colorful balloons on Wednesday while I was at dialysis. It was a beautiful, festive sight to come home to. It was such a nice touch and a great surprise.

Chipping Sparrow

Photographed 5/06

I think I got depressed later, after realizing how much we used to be able to do and now how I've limited us. I miss being able to go walking in the mountains or go along with Sue on some of her trips. Often she would take days off after a meeting and we would visit sights near by. All that's out right now. No more trips to the beach, no surf fishing. I guess it's so hard because I used to be so active and I have been reduced to this.

I keep hoping things will improve but, I know things will never be the same or close to what they were. I try to adapt but, it's getting harder with each new setback. I so much want Sue to be happy and have a good time in life. I should have done something about this a long time ago.
Tufted Titmouse

Photographed 5/06

The photos are of birds at the feeder I got as a birthday gift from my parents. It is very busy in the mid morning and around dinner time.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

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A Lily For Sue

Photographed 2/06

Today Sue and I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. Like I've said before, it seems like only yesterday in some ways. In others it's like I've known Sue all my life. Many times she could complete my thoughts and I hers. She is my best friend and partner for life. I love her with all my heart and soul can give. I miss her when she's away and feel empty until her return.

I bought her roses today, not red because yellow is her favorite.(photos tomorrow)
Also I made eclairs today with the real custard not that creme stuff you get at most of the bakeries now days. They're a favorite of both of us.
Sunset Lilies for Sue

Photographed 3/06

Sue has taken today off from work to relax but, I have to go to dialysis today so it puts off any trips today. I think we might try for something this weekend if all goes well.

Thanks for stopping in,
Mark & Sue

Monday, May 01, 2006

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The Midway Meal House

When I started writing this post I found out something interesting. I had always thought Midway was a very small town. I mean there's Midway Elementary, Community Bank of Midway and all sorts of things with Midway in their titles but it's not incorporated as such.

Anyway, The meal house has been in the same spot since the 1920's. This structure in the photo is a new copy of the old house which was destroyed in a fire year before last. The same family has run the business for quite some time, The food is very good, nothing fancy here. The cost is very reasonable. I love to sit out on the porch and eat. They have the greatest Black Walnut Cake I've ever tasted. It's worth the trip alone!